Monday, March 29, 2010

Diem Chau's Zodiac Crayons

sweeeeet carvings into crayola crayons for every animal in the chinese zodiac

The Monkey is my fav


gnome package likey

Monday, March 22, 2010

miss grigio and mr noir

i love these illustrations for this wine package design. so cute that the grapes are the stolen jewels!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

oh hay cool posterz

close your eyes, open your mind

please do not copy. create something new

AND my fav...

somebody save me from these fools

Monday, March 8, 2010

Batalla del VINO

Battle of the Wines! I'm doing a project for VA wine and I came across this festival held in the wine region of Haro, Spain every year on June 29. Villagers have a wine battle and literally just dump gallons of wine on eachother and spray wine with water guns on to one another then celebrate it and have a parade in the streets over it. OMG, i need to be involved!!
Check more out!

me as a teenager

awesome new Hyundai commercial that heeds the warning that teenagers are dangerous, and when it comes to having a car they should at least have safety on their side. Too bad for my sweet 16 all I got was a shitty used car that damn near exploded on me while I was driving it. oh well

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

those brits DO have talent

this is so good! this 6 year old has such balls and is so talented!!!
first susan boyle, now this!


darn :(

Monday, March 1, 2010


Just applied to be an intern in the TOMS shoes HQ creative dept. I AM SO NERVOUS! i want this internship BAD!

Here is an ambient ad i did for them in my portfolio class. It starts on the elevator saying "People around the world grow up barefoot" and then you see the feet go into the toms at the bottom of the escalator and it says "for every pair you buy, we give a pair to those in need" with "YOU" and "GIVE" highlighted.

check it toms! hire me hire me hire me! haha